Styles and genres in music
Historical song, aria, romance, cantata, opera, march, waltz, prelude, sonata - all these are examples…

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Ensemble (from fr. Ensemble - together, many) - means the joint performance of a piece…


Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of…

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How to register a music project?
This question is asked not only by novice musicians, but also by experienced figures of…

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the composers

Sw in dance music

Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of cymbals are enough to make people like to twitch from this primitiveness! Why it happens? What is the reason? In the process of studying this phenomenon, the theory of kacha was born, about which a series of articles is devoted. I can’t vouch that after reading them, your compositions will become hits, but I would be happy for that. Continue reading


“Music is the soul of poetry, it clarifies and opens it. It makes a poetic word deeper in meaning and easier to perceive. The spirit of music in the emotional aspect is creative will that motivates talented people to create a state of sound and shape it as their world view”

Romance in music is a vocal composition written for a small poem of lyrical content, mostly love.

The term “romance” originated in Spain in the Middle Ages and originally designated a secular song in Spanish (“Romanesque”) language. In Russia, the first examples of romance can be considered Kant, distributed already at the end of the XVII century. And in the XVIII century. the poems of the most famous Russian poets – A. P. Sumarokov, A. F. Merzlyakov, M. V. Lomonosov – were immediately picked up by musicians and sang by amateur singers. Such works were called Russian songs. Continue reading

What is overture

Overture prepares the listener for the upcoming action.The tradition to announce the beginning of a performance with a brief musical signal existed long before the term “overture” entrenched itself in the work of French and then other 17th century European composers. Until the middle of the XVIII century. the overtures were composed according to strictly defined rules: their sublime, generalized nature of the music usually had no connection with the subsequent action. Gradually, however, the requirements for the overture changed: she was more and more subordinated to the general artistic plan of the work. Continue reading

Ensemble (from fr. Ensemble - together, many) - means the joint performance of a piece…


Removing the throat clamps
Often there is the same main problem with vocalists - voice tightness, as a result…


Tips for composers
You need to make music regularly, without waiting for the so-called inspiration. You should not…
