concerts with stage coffin
Musician: record disc
Suppose you already have your own band with a permanent musical composition and you have few simple rehearsals and performances in small clubs. Your goal is to record an album. But to record high-quality material will require studio conditions and certain costs for studio time and the work of the arranger. How much will it cost and is it possible to reduce costs?
The usual studio process consists of three main components – recording, mixing and mastering. Even professional musicians usually need at least half a working day to record a batch for one song. Continue reading
Musicians: Copyright Protection
In a market economy, issues related to the civil turnover of intellectual property, the legal protection of intellectual property (IPO), the protection of the rights of authors and copyright holders are relevant. The need to ensure reliable protection of intellectual property, protection of the rights of authors inside the country and strengthening the protection of the interests of Russian right holders abroad is stated in the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2006. Continue reading
Heavy Metal Style Dictionary
Double bass
The manner of playing the drums, in which the drummer hits the big drum with high speed, sometimes called the bass drum. Either two separate bass barrels for each leg are used, or a special pedal, with which the drummer plays on one bass drum with both feet.
Bay Area Thrash
One type of thrash metal that became popular in the early and mid 80s in San Francisco, California, in the so-called Bay Area. Among the groups you can list Metallica, Testament, Megadeth and Exodus. Continue reading