How to make a "demo"?
The word "demo" is short for the word "demo". First of all, the demo is…

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Music and subconscious
Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But…


About vinyl
There are not so many good stories with a happy ending in our life. One…

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Music and vocals: learning to sing
Introduction The exercises of this system are aimed at releasing the voice from tension, at…

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not returned

Business Musician. How and where does the money come from

Many novice authors believe that it is not necessary to develop business skills and explore the commercial side of things. They say: “I am an author, not a seller, I wrote a song – let someone else take care of how to sell it.” The reality is that what we do is called the music business. The best song in the world will never be a hit unless it was promoted as a demo and if it was not shown to the professionals of the music industry. This can be acceptable if you write solely for your own pleasure, but if you want to succeed in the music business, you should pay equal attention to music and business. Continue reading

In music, a quartet is an ensemble consisting of four musicians or singers. The most…


We create music on the computer
Oddly enough, today, to write music, it is not necessary even to know musical notation.…


Musician: record disc
Suppose you already have your own band with a permanent musical composition and you have…
