Musical career
It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is…

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How to speak
To stand at the podium and address the first time in my life with a…


What is rondo
The constant main theme — refrain — is like a chorus, side themes — episodes…

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Domain name for group site
In previous articles on creating a music band website, we proved that the group without…

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then his remuneration

Musical career

It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is a wedding ring for a long time. The problem often lies in the fact that not every performer is able to figure out what is actually written in the contract. There are too many points, the language is difficult and boring.

Cindy Lazzari, a lawyer specializing in the music industry, says: “When people bring me contracts that offer labels to them and start reading them with me, they are just overwhelmed:” We were going to sign this because many people do, “they say these young musicians. Often they sign all the conditions and then complain all their life. ” Continue reading

Domain name for group site
In previous articles on creating a music band website, we proved that the group without…


A symphony is usually a composition for an orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This…


What is rondo
The constant main theme — refrain — is like a chorus, side themes — episodes…
