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Musical fantasies
While listening to a piece of music, focus and try to “see” what is depicted as music. If this is, for example, Pyotr Tchaikovsky’s Seasons, then you may see an autumn landscape, a flying troika, a waking up nature, a lark ringing in the sky. Listening to a song, you can always “finish” in the imagination what is more suitable for it: a wide expanse of landscape, popular festivities … Continue reading
Musicians: Copyright Protection
In a market economy, issues related to the civil turnover of intellectual property, the legal protection of intellectual property (IPO), the protection of the rights of authors and copyright holders are relevant. The need to ensure reliable protection of intellectual property, protection of the rights of authors inside the country and strengthening the protection of the interests of Russian right holders abroad is stated in the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2006. Continue reading
Sonata, musical composition for one or several instruments. In the classical sense, the term refers to a piece for piano solo or for a stringed or spiritual instrument with piano, consisting of several independent parts. The plan of the composite multi-part sonata and the restriction in the use of the term only by solo works were formed in the second half of the 18th century.
The word “sonata” is also often used in the term “sonata form”: in this case it does not refer to a multi-part work, but to the formal structure of one part of the sonata. Sonata form is also found in symphonies, concerts, trios, quartets, quintets, even in overture, etc. Continue reading