About how to write music ...
Have you ever thought about the fact that classical and electronic music have a lot…

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How to speak
To stand at the podium and address the first time in my life with a…


About vocals
The vocalist (from the Latin words vox - "voice" and vocalis - "sounding") is a…

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Domain name for group site
In previous articles on creating a music band website, we proved that the group without…

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throughout Russia

Musicians: Copyright Protection

In a market economy, issues related to the civil turnover of intellectual property, the legal protection of intellectual property (IPO), the protection of the rights of authors and copyright holders are relevant. The need to ensure reliable protection of intellectual property, protection of the rights of authors inside the country and strengthening the protection of the interests of Russian right holders abroad is stated in the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2006. Continue reading


“Music is the soul of poetry, it clarifies and opens it. It makes a poetic word deeper in meaning and easier to perceive. The spirit of music in the emotional aspect is creative will that motivates talented people to create a state of sound and shape it as their world view”

Romance in music is a vocal composition written for a small poem of lyrical content, mostly love.

The term “romance” originated in Spain in the Middle Ages and originally designated a secular song in Spanish (“Romanesque”) language. In Russia, the first examples of romance can be considered Kant, distributed already at the end of the XVII century. And in the XVIII century. the poems of the most famous Russian poets – A. P. Sumarokov, A. F. Merzlyakov, M. V. Lomonosov – were immediately picked up by musicians and sang by amateur singers. Such works were called Russian songs. Continue reading

Which track is better
In her famous quotation, the great Coco Chanel wanted to say that there are hobbies…


A symphony is usually a composition for an orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This…


Styles and genres in music
Historical song, aria, romance, cantata, opera, march, waltz, prelude, sonata - all these are examples…
