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How to make a “demo”?
The word “demo” is short for the word “demo”. First of all, the demo is designed to demonstrate the potential of your song.
Ideally, the demo should be such that the listener can immediately understand whether this song will become a hit or not.
In order to show our own capabilities, we must remember that different types of songs require different arrangements. It’s impossible to know right away exactly which arrangement is best for your song. Continue reading
How to start speaking?
The main problem of all performances has always been that on the stage it is very difficult to achieve comfortable conditions for the game. It suddenly turns out that your processor or combo, which sounded great at home and at rehearsal, instead of the fat sound that you liked so much, gives you some kind of disgusting itch. It turns out that guitar pickups, like a microphone, are disgustingly squeaking. That becomes completely inaudible to the bass player, and you get lost in the form of a song, etc. etc. Continue reading
What is Celtic music
Surely you have repeatedly read, heard, and maybe even used this phrase yourself in various combinations – “Celtic music”, “Celtic music” and even “traditional Celtic music”, “folk Celtic music”, “cheerful Celtic dances”, “Ancient celtic chants”, etc. etc. The phrase itself is very, very popular, but what kind of music actually hides behind it, no one can really explain. “Celtic music” can be either fully electronic ambient with the names of tracks like “Sacred Stonehenge and eighteen druids in a circle”, and Hispanic with electronic bagpipes, and aggressive punk rock, and violins, harmonica and harmonica of cheerful drunk Irish muzhik. Continue reading