Music and subconscious
Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But…

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"Affectionate May" - receiving a group promotion
I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s…


Musical graphics as a manifestation of synesthesia
Synesthesia (simultaneous sensation, joint feeling) - in psychology - the phenomenon of perception, when during…

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Questions and answers on musical vocals
How fast can you learn to sing? It all depends on your voice natural data.…

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musicians got their The first

What is rondo

The constant main theme — refrain — is like a chorus, side themes — episodes — are in essence solos. The number of episodes can be from two or more (as indicated by the points in the scheme). Rondo is an old form. It comes from round-chorus songs with a chorus, which was repeated without change, and only verses, but not melody (A B A B1 A B2 A … A), were updated in the song. In professional music – this is one of the most common forms. In medieval France, troubadours and truvera composed rondo-shaped poems and music. Continue reading

Business Musician. How and where does the money come from

Many novice authors believe that it is not necessary to develop business skills and explore the commercial side of things. They say: “I am an author, not a seller, I wrote a song – let someone else take care of how to sell it.” The reality is that what we do is called the music business. The best song in the world will never be a hit unless it was promoted as a demo and if it was not shown to the professionals of the music industry. This can be acceptable if you write solely for your own pleasure, but if you want to succeed in the music business, you should pay equal attention to music and business. Continue reading

Musical career

It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is a wedding ring for a long time. The problem often lies in the fact that not every performer is able to figure out what is actually written in the contract. There are too many points, the language is difficult and boring.

Cindy Lazzari, a lawyer specializing in the music industry, says: “When people bring me contracts that offer labels to them and start reading them with me, they are just overwhelmed:” We were going to sign this because many people do, “they say these young musicians. Often they sign all the conditions and then complain all their life. ” Continue reading

Concerts on their own
You probably think that now I will train you on how to prepare demo material,…


Musician: record disc
Suppose you already have your own band with a permanent musical composition and you have…


Where to learn to sing?
Classification vocals by style of performance academic (classical, opera), pop, jazz, folk At the same…
