How to speak
To stand at the podium and address the first time in my life with a speech to the full hall – this test is not for the weak. The throat is dry, thoughts are confused … To prevent this from happening, some tips for novice speakers.
Tune in to the audience
First, find out if the content of your speech is in the interest of the audience. If your interests diverge from it, try to build bridges of understanding.
Stay confident during your performance, demonstrating a firm conviction in your words.
Your opinion should be directed to the audience. Do not avoid counter views. Do not look at one point. Before you start speaking, circle the audience, as if you want to make sure that they are ready to accept your words.
Start speaking only after silence is established.
Begin a speech with a brief appeal to the public, followed by a second pause.
From the first words carefully watch the reaction of the audience.
Follow the clarity of speech, do not speak too quickly and in any case not monotonous.
If you notice that part of the hall is listening to you less attentively, turn your gaze in that direction, as if you are addressing it to them.
If you realize that the audience is tired, start talking lower, and then sharply raise your voice.
If the words you have just said have found the support of the audience, try to immediately develop the topic touched.
At the moment when you managed to achieve a positive reaction from the masses, go to the main topic of the speech.
Provocative remarks should not put you off balance
Do not enter during a discussion speech, even if shouts are heard from the floor. Say that later you will gladly answer any questions.
At critical moments of speech, it is necessary to speak with conviction, with an emphasis on each word.
Try to unfriendly for the audience places of performance to reinforce the examples.
Do not make generalizing conclusions that are not justified from a rational point of view, even if it seemed to you that the public is waiting for them from you.
In no case do not mean that it is difficult for you to speak, that you are tired or you feel insecure at some moments.