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Music and subconscious
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Guitar Mastery

It is known that every novice guitarist at the beginning of his training is at a kind of fork (intersection). He faces a series of questions. For example, such as: how to learn to play the guitar? where to start? in which direction to move? what principles to follow? how to approach the case? what to focus on? what to play finally? etc.

He can ask such questions explicitly, or they may worry him somewhere deep down. The thing is that the way he learns depends on how he responds to them. Is his success waiting for him to become a master guitarist? Or potrenka couple of little years and throw?

When I started playing the guitar, I was worried about such questions, but not much … Much remained unresolved. And I want you to fully define for yourself what you expect from guitar training.

Want to learn how to play the guitar?
And still not asked the main questions? !!! …

If you are just going to learn to play the guitar (or you can do it properly), then you really need to ask the main questions. Let’s start with the simple:

1) Where to start and where to go?

To get started, try to figure out your preferences. What kind of music you listen to, what kind of guitar you are most interested in (acoustic, electric …), what musical styles you would like to master first of all, what kind of guitar playing techniques you like (playing fighting, blues solos, heavy heavy riffs, classical things and etc.) –

– this will be the backbone of your training. Well, for example, if you are very attracted to all sorts of rock bands and you would like to play like them, then why take the self-instruction manual Laricheva or Mateo Carcassi? Although they (probably) will be needed sometime, but why build an academic guitar training if you are not drawn there?

Take a clear position – what kind of music do you want to play? on which guitar? maybe even which songs you would definitely like to beat? Unleash your mind, make choices and focus on that.

2) How to learn to play the guitar?

No less important question. Here I mean: whether to go to the teacher? what to buy tutorials and collections? What aspects of the game to pay attention at first? But if you really want to master the guitar, then you need some kind of training system – even if it was invented by you …

Here again you have to make a conscious choice. For example, if you want to play jazz, is it worth going to a teacher who teaches only classical guitar and builds training according to the canons of classical guitar, explaining this by saying that “everyone starts” and cannot do without it?

Or another extreme: buy a collection of songs of Metallica, even if you do not know how to clamp frets?

3) How to approach the case?

The question is, why do you even need to learn to play the guitar? Is it just a hobby or do you want to become a guitarist pro and conquer the public like Richie Blackmore, Jimmy Page or Hendrix? It is the case that even if you have a dream, then friends, for example, can easily recapture it … Elementary – just not believing in your success.

And here willpower is needed to follow your goal. Some do not, for example, when they tear down all the posters with their favorite stars, coming out of adolescence … As if the guitar is only a shake-up of youth.

The approach to learning will depend on what you want to achieve with your game. Let you gather with friends and play music: Do you like what you play together? or how they play? or that they ask you to play? In any case, look for your interest in the matter of guitar experiments and approach the matter as you think it should be, discarding all prejudices! And finally …

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