IDM - Intelligent Dance Music
IDM - Intelligent Dance Music Experimental direction in electronic music. Its founder is considered the…

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Removing the throat clamps
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Publication of works on the Internet

The Internet is an environment in which it is possible to publish large editions, while at the same time making a minimum of costs. You do not need to pay for the paper, you do not need to place an order at the factory, worry about the glass-master. Sounds good, right? All is well without taking into account the specifics and adapting to unfamiliar conditions of this new information environment, due to such factors that you do not even immediately suspect. In fact, everything is built completely differently than it seems at first glance, and I think you will learn a lot of new and useful information in this material.

Musicians should consider the following factors:
Nobody needs you on the web and no one knows you. From the fact that you are on the Internet, the Network will not turn over on the eve of the revolution. No one, except friends, acquaintances and fans (if there are any), will specifically visit your page, much less download your MP3 files. Securing online sales of music products of an unknown group is a waste of time and money. The Internet accepts coalitions with far greater returns than individuals. Everyone perceives the Internet as the technology of the future, and money is invested in the future! There are no quick profits. Money on the Internet is the number of visits. That’s all. I think it is clear. If it is not clear, you can create a page, spend a month of nights on the Web, and everything … it will become clear. For proof of some items, type in a search engine any musical style, for example, acid house, rock. You will end up with a huge list of many names where no distinctive features will be visible for each individual name. “Well, rock, well, the name …” – and what arises? “I will not download 1000 MP3 groups unknown to me”.

Such an important factor as the name is involved in the war of lists, although it is a very weak participation. If your name is very original, then only a couple of people a month or a year will bite it. Yes, you need to fight for everyone, but in real, not virtual life, everything so far is much faster. In one concert, you can get as many supporters and fans of creativity as you do not get a “hang” on the Web in six months. You can really sell your cassettes and attributes to them here (!), Which is important!

Let’s see what the already famous teams are doing. What are they using the new information space for? In eighty cases out of a hundred, this is the announcement of the latest news and information about the products (audio, video, books) and fan clubs. Everything. I did not notice the MP3. Want to listen to music – buy a CD. Universal placement model – audio.

Of course, the alternative wave that captured the space in the early to mid-90s, when there was no MP3 yet, forced the musicians to squeeze into web formats and upload small wav files with fragments of songs to sites. This was the beginning, or rather, the first steps of music promotion on the Web. Thus was born one of the few universal models, which did not allow to be content downloaded, but at the same time spun the product. We will return to it later.

The main mistake of many musicians is MP3 songs that are 3-5 minutes long on official sites.

Problems that this error may cause:
The user, looking at the file size, refuses to download it. Larger sizes imply a reduction in the quality parameters of the file (for MP3, this is kbps). The more information a user receives, the more mistakes or unpleasant moments he can identify in music. User likes quality. The first listening and deciding whether to download other files from the site, the user lasts no more than 15 seconds. As you can see, the universal model of short fragments works much better. Moreover, choosing the best segments in the compositions of 30 seconds each, we can make them with excellent quality.

Confrontation RIAA and MP3. And in general … “Yes,” many computer users will say, “RIAA, to put on them.” We are punks from cyberspace. We have our own laws. ” Cool bravado experienced geek who internally considers a “hacker”. And from the outside – such a user, without the slightest twinge of conscience, will steal your money from you, while he will assume that he is a romantic and you are a cash cow.

A good transposition of the situation, although the musician should be a musician. The problem is much deeper than we imagine. And every reminder of the MP3 today is an additional nail in the coffin of copyright. Those who support the MP3 are extreme teams who don’t care what their music does to people and what will be the result of their actions. Or fledgling “stars” who still do not understand, or unlucky stars who are paid to have their name on a website and advertise the technology. But in fact, the doors of major labels have long been closed for them …

I thought all the time in the process of developing this standard: why does Microsoft move so inactively? It seems to be a very powerful niche.

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