general scheme
Recording company agreement
Concluding a contract with a record company every year becomes more and more difficult process. The times of producers working as Phil Spector, who found a group by watching performers in the studio and then making them popular, are long gone.
Nowadays, in the music business, sometimes more business than music. Recording companies and music publishers rely on hits made by superstars in the struggle for profits, and therefore the way we search for new names in the music business has undergone significant changes. Continue reading
Publication of works on the Internet
The Internet is an environment in which it is possible to publish large editions, while at the same time making a minimum of costs. You do not need to pay for the paper, you do not need to place an order at the factory, worry about the glass-master. Sounds good, right? All is well without taking into account the specifics and adapting to unfamiliar conditions of this new information environment, due to such factors that you do not even immediately suspect. In fact, everything is built completely differently than it seems at first glance, and I think you will learn a lot of new and useful information in this material. Continue reading
What is overture
Overture prepares the listener for the upcoming action.The tradition to announce the beginning of a performance with a brief musical signal existed long before the term “overture” entrenched itself in the work of French and then other 17th century European composers. Until the middle of the XVIII century. the overtures were composed according to strictly defined rules: their sublime, generalized nature of the music usually had no connection with the subsequent action. Gradually, however, the requirements for the overture changed: she was more and more subordinated to the general artistic plan of the work. Continue reading