MP3 in real time stream
The mailing list once received a letter of such content. What is the question that…

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Musical fantasies
While listening to a piece of music, focus and try to “see” what is depicted…


"Affectionate May" - receiving a group promotion
I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s…

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Recording company agreement
Concluding a contract with a record company every year becomes more and more difficult process.…

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courts of the Russian Federation

Sw in dance music

Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of cymbals are enough to make people like to twitch from this primitiveness! Why it happens? What is the reason? In the process of studying this phenomenon, the theory of kacha was born, about which a series of articles is devoted. I can’t vouch that after reading them, your compositions will become hits, but I would be happy for that. Continue reading

About how to write music …

Have you ever thought about the fact that classical and electronic music have a lot in common? After all, classical music is considered the most convenient material for processing by many world-renowned producers, and many musicians have switched to electronic sound, having received before that a conservatory or jazz education. It’s all about the main canons of creating works that, in classical and electronic music, are very similar. DJ Anton Aprelin, the owner of classical music education and experience in writing his own orchestration, numerous songs and arrangements, as well as tracks in progressive style, shared his views on the birth of electronic works. Continue reading

Tips for composers

You need to make music regularly, without waiting for the so-called inspiration. You should not depend on it, let it depend on you. And the more regularly you compose, the more often and longer the inspiration will be with you.
It is best to write (it is to write, and not to engage in orchestration or any transpositions) with a fresh mind, that is, in the mornings and around lunchtime. Continue reading

Publication of works on the Internet
The Internet is an environment in which it is possible to publish large editions, while…


Sonata, musical composition for one or several instruments. In the classical sense, the term refers…


Music and subconscious
Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But…
