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Domain name for group site

In previous articles on creating a music band website, we proved that the group without their own site went nowhere, considered what hosting is and what a domain is, found out that paid hosting is much better than free hosting, and we also found a suitable host. It remains to buy a hosting and domain name.

But first you need to choose this name. Ask: what’s so complicated? We must buy the name of the group name, and that’s the end.

However, in practice everything is not so simple. You may encounter the fact that:

– Your chosen name is taken
– There are a lot of groups, organizations and firms with the same name in the network.
– The chosen name is not very pleasant to the ear, not remembered, difficult to pronounce, it is not easy to write under dictation.

What to do?

To begin with – a little theory:
What should be the ideal address for the band’s website?

Associated with the group name (artist)
The name should tell the visitor what he will find on the site. Applicable to a music group – the name of the site of the group should be the same as its name or associate.

An ideal example is the website of the Aria group with the address
You can use prefixes like -music, -band and so on. However, this lengthens the address, and he should …

Be as short as possible
A short address is easy to read and easy to remember – it is easy to type it from memory in the address bar.

Conclusion: the short address should also …
Well read, pronounced and memorized
Well, if the name of your group is short and adequately read in English. Worse, if it consists of several long words in Russian. For example, … What is the name of the group? No, not for ITS – this is just the site of the “Furious Hares” group. From here one more rule: the address of a site of your group should …

Be easy to write
… to avoid typing errors.
Remember the address “Furious Hares”? Now close this page and try to write it. You will surely make a mistake … and get to another site!

The zone can also tell a lot about the group site. If your group is from Russia and especially sings in Russian, do not be stingy, choose .ru! The names in the zone. Ru like Russian search engines, but is not it nice if your name loves a search engine? 😉 In addition, the choice of free names in the .ru zone is much wider than in the international zones .com, .org, .net, and so on.

Now prices for domains in the zone .su (former Soviet Union) have decreased, so you can search in this zone.

If all the appropriate names in the .ru and .su zone are occupied, give preference to the .net zone – it is the most neutral.

It is advisable not to register a music site in the .org (organization), .biz (business) and .com (commerce) zones – see how the meaning changes?

All the above conditions are difficult to meet, so choose the most important criteria for you … or register several domain names for one site! Using a redirect, you can make your site respond to any of these addresses.

So, what should be the address of the group site, we found out. You may already have a couple of options in your head.

The first thing you need to do now is to check if the name is taken.

You can figure this out using the service.

Name busy … What to do? There are two ways: using the same service, you can find out who took your favorite name, contact the owners and try to outbid … However, this is not the way of a poor musician

Therefore, let us strain our creative convolutions and try to find another name for the group site. So…

We select the address for the site of the musical group
Write the name of the group in English letters
If spaces are needed, use a hyphen, but remember that no more than 3 hyphens are allowed per web address.

This is the easiest way to generate a website address. It is desirable that the address can be written in English unambiguously.
But what to do if it turns out too long, like the same “Furious hares”?

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