Musical career
It’s no secret that a contract between a band (performer) and a record label is…

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A symphony is usually a composition for an orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This…


Where to learn to sing?
Classification vocals by style of performance academic (classical, opera), pop, jazz, folk At the same…

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About how to write music ...
Have you ever thought about the fact that classical and electronic music have a lot…

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album released in June

Publication of works on the Internet

The Internet is an environment in which it is possible to publish large editions, while at the same time making a minimum of costs. You do not need to pay for the paper, you do not need to place an order at the factory, worry about the glass-master. Sounds good, right? All is well without taking into account the specifics and adapting to unfamiliar conditions of this new information environment, due to such factors that you do not even immediately suspect. In fact, everything is built completely differently than it seems at first glance, and I think you will learn a lot of new and useful information in this material. Continue reading

Domain name for group site

In previous articles on creating a music band website, we proved that the group without their own site went nowhere, considered what hosting is and what a domain is, found out that paid hosting is much better than free hosting, and we also found a suitable host. It remains to buy a hosting and domain name.

But first you need to choose this name. Ask: what’s so complicated? We must buy the name of the group name, and that’s the end. Continue reading

Musicians: Copyright Protection

In a market economy, issues related to the civil turnover of intellectual property, the legal protection of intellectual property (IPO), the protection of the rights of authors and copyright holders are relevant. The need to ensure reliable protection of intellectual property, protection of the rights of authors inside the country and strengthening the protection of the interests of Russian right holders abroad is stated in the Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of 10.05.2006. Continue reading

What is Celtic music
Surely you have repeatedly read, heard, and maybe even used this phrase yourself in various…


Heavy Metal Style Dictionary
Double bass The manner of playing the drums, in which the drummer hits the big…


Business Musician. How and where does the money come from
Many novice authors believe that it is not necessary to develop business skills and explore…
