"Affectionate May" - receiving a group promotion
I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s…

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Musicians: Copyright Protection
In a market economy, issues related to the civil turnover of intellectual property, the legal…


Sw in dance music
Somehow I thought about one thing: sometimes one bass, a drummer and a pair of…

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Recording company agreement
Concluding a contract with a record company every year becomes more and more difficult process.…

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folklore and songs

How important is music?

Music – what is it? Where did it come from, and in general, why does it exist? It would seem that the questions are worthy of a child, and the answers to which are rather banal and known to everyone, but, nevertheless, who can give an exact answer? Let’s try to figure it out, so …

20-30 thousand years ago, the first more or less reasonable people appeared who had already begun to think about what else they could do on this planet, except to go hunting and war, thinking what else to fill the belly with, and play in the game “With the females of the tribe.” Many probably know the “Pyramid of Needs” (from lectures on Economics, for example), judging by this pyramid, a person, after satisfying his natural needs, begins to think about other minor, but still important for him personally, needs, desires, dreams . Continue reading

Where to learn to sing?
Classification vocals by style of performance academic (classical, opera), pop, jazz, folk At the same…


Istria Deep Purple
In March 1968, a group composed of Richie Blackmore - lead guitar, John Lord -…


Virtual orchestra
For singles who have the desire and time to create music, but there is no…
