Domain name for group site
In previous articles on creating a music band website, we proved that the group without…

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Styles and genres in music
Historical song, aria, romance, cantata, opera, march, waltz, prelude, sonata - all these are examples…


Questions and answers on musical vocals
How fast can you learn to sing? It all depends on your voice natural data.…

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Musical fantasies
While listening to a piece of music, focus and try to “see” what is depicted…

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can become a real


Ensemble (from fr. Ensemble – together, many) – means the joint performance of a piece of music by several participants or a piece of music for a small number of performers; A favorite type of music since ancient times. In accordance with the number of performers (from two to ten), the ensemble is called a duet, trio (tertset), quartet, quintet, sextet, septet, octet, nonet or decimet – by the Latin name of the numbers. As independent works, ensembles belong to the field of chamber music, but also belong to operas, oratorios and cantatas. VIA (vocal – instrumental ensembles) were common in Russia in the seventies. Continue reading

How to make a “demo”?

The word “demo” is short for the word “demo”. First of all, the demo is designed to demonstrate the potential of your song.

Ideally, the demo should be such that the listener can immediately understand whether this song will become a hit or not.
In order to show our own capabilities, we must remember that different types of songs require different arrangements. It’s impossible to know right away exactly which arrangement is best for your song. Continue reading

“Affectionate May” – receiving a group promotion

I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s of the group “Tender May.” She burst into our lives like a typhoon, tearing everything in her way, hurting the hearts of many girls, making them cry and “fan” from Yura Shatunov! Many people remember his songs “White roses”, “Pink evening”, “Let it be night”, “On the white bedspread of January”. This is part of our life, our youth. Remember school disco, first love stories. and there was this music around us. She sounded at every disco, in every cafe and bar, in every class, at every girl in a tape recorder … She was everywhere. Continue reading

Humorous and shkodnaya music
Scherzo (Italian. Scherzo - literally “joke”) is a joke piece, it can be part of…


In music, a quartet is an ensemble consisting of four musicians or singers. The most…


Sonata, musical composition for one or several instruments. In the classical sense, the term refers…
