Musician: record disc
Suppose you already have your own band with a permanent musical composition and you have…

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Heavy Metal Style Dictionary
Double bass The manner of playing the drums, in which the drummer hits the big…


Sonata, musical composition for one or several instruments. In the classical sense, the term refers…

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Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of…

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without capital investments

“Affectionate May” – receiving a group promotion

I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s of the group “Tender May.” She burst into our lives like a typhoon, tearing everything in her way, hurting the hearts of many girls, making them cry and “fan” from Yura Shatunov! Many people remember his songs “White roses”, “Pink evening”, “Let it be night”, “On the white bedspread of January”. This is part of our life, our youth. Remember school disco, first love stories. and there was this music around us. She sounded at every disco, in every cafe and bar, in every class, at every girl in a tape recorder … She was everywhere. Continue reading

How to speak
To stand at the podium and address the first time in my life with a…


Tips for composers
You need to make music regularly, without waiting for the so-called inspiration. You should not…


How to start speaking?
The main problem of all performances has always been that on the stage it is…
