How to establish a pirate radio station
Nearly all of the people who worked or worked for BBC Radio 1, including Pete…

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About how to write music ...
Have you ever thought about the fact that classical and electronic music have a lot…


Music and subconscious
Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But…

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Musical graphics as a manifestation of synesthesia
Synesthesia (simultaneous sensation, joint feeling) - in psychology - the phenomenon of perception, when during…

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about three hundred

“Affectionate May” – receiving a group promotion

I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s of the group “Tender May.” She burst into our lives like a typhoon, tearing everything in her way, hurting the hearts of many girls, making them cry and “fan” from Yura Shatunov! Many people remember his songs “White roses”, “Pink evening”, “Let it be night”, “On the white bedspread of January”. This is part of our life, our youth. Remember school disco, first love stories. and there was this music around us. She sounded at every disco, in every cafe and bar, in every class, at every girl in a tape recorder … She was everywhere. Continue reading

Recording company agreement

Concluding a contract with a record company every year becomes more and more difficult process. The times of producers working as Phil Spector, who found a group by watching performers in the studio and then making them popular, are long gone.

Nowadays, in the music business, sometimes more business than music. Recording companies and music publishers rely on hits made by superstars in the struggle for profits, and therefore the way we search for new names in the music business has undergone significant changes. Continue reading

MP3 in real time stream

The mailing list once received a letter of such content.

What is the question that interests us: right now a lot of broadcasting on the network goes to mp3, and it’s clear that the file is not fully downloaded, but is being played from the stream. There is a suspicion that this is either some kind of special mp3, or there is something else on the site that is slyly organized. Continue reading

Guitar Mastery
It is known that every novice guitarist at the beginning of his training is at…


Removing the throat clamps
Often there is the same main problem with vocalists - voice tightness, as a result…


How to establish a pirate radio station
Nearly all of the people who worked or worked for BBC Radio 1, including Pete…
