"Music is the soul of poetry, it clarifies and opens it. It makes a poetic…

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Removing the throat clamps
Often there is the same main problem with vocalists - voice tightness, as a result…


MP3 in real time stream
The mailing list once received a letter of such content. What is the question that…

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"Affectionate May" - receiving a group promotion
I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s…

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Sales magic piano

Pianos and pianos are quite expensive musical instruments, but they can be safely attributed to goods that will always be in demand while the cultural layer of the population lives and develops on the globe and, in particular, in Russia. As in any other market, unscrupulous sellers also work in the market of musical instruments, who often falsify the country of origin or the name of the piano trademark in order to earn additional profit. Even professional performers and teachers of musical educational institutions sometimes come across their tricks. Continue reading

How to establish a pirate radio station

Nearly all of the people who worked or worked for BBC Radio 1, including Pete Tong, Danny Rampling, Gils Peterson and John Peel began as employees of pirated broadcasts. Since the 60s of the last century, pirate radio has become home to the underground music itself. By rough estimates, 200 pirate stations are successfully operating in England, of which more than 80 are in London alone.

Pirate radio got its name from the illegal stations of the 60s, which were broadcast from ships in the North Sea and the English Channel. The most famous were Radio Carolina and Radio London (from which Radio 1 lured almost all the disc jockeys in 1967 to its founding), as well as Radio Luxembourg, based on land. Continue reading

How important is music?

Music – what is it? Where did it come from, and in general, why does it exist? It would seem that the questions are worthy of a child, and the answers to which are rather banal and known to everyone, but, nevertheless, who can give an exact answer? Let’s try to figure it out, so …

20-30 thousand years ago, the first more or less reasonable people appeared who had already begun to think about what else they could do on this planet, except to go hunting and war, thinking what else to fill the belly with, and play in the game “With the females of the tribe.” Many probably know the “Pyramid of Needs” (from lectures on Economics, for example), judging by this pyramid, a person, after satisfying his natural needs, begins to think about other minor, but still important for him personally, needs, desires, dreams . Continue reading

Guitar Mastery
It is known that every novice guitarist at the beginning of his training is at…


Musical fantasies
While listening to a piece of music, focus and try to “see” what is depicted…


Removing the throat clamps
Often there is the same main problem with vocalists - voice tightness, as a result…
