Business Musician. How and where does the money come from
Many novice authors believe that it is not necessary to develop business skills and explore…

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About vocals
The vocalist (from the Latin words vox - "voice" and vocalis - "sounding") is a…


Guitar Mastery
It is known that every novice guitarist at the beginning of his training is at…

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About vinyl
There are not so many good stories with a happy ending in our life. One…

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Drummer puts accents

What is Celtic music

Surely you have repeatedly read, heard, and maybe even used this phrase yourself in various combinations – “Celtic music”, “Celtic music” and even “traditional Celtic music”, “folk Celtic music”, “cheerful Celtic dances”, “Ancient celtic chants”, etc. etc. The phrase itself is very, very popular, but what kind of music actually hides behind it, no one can really explain. “Celtic music” can be either fully electronic ambient with the names of tracks like “Sacred Stonehenge and eighteen druids in a circle”, and Hispanic with electronic bagpipes, and aggressive punk rock, and violins, harmonica and harmonica of cheerful drunk Irish muzhik. Continue reading

Heavy Metal Style Dictionary

Double bass
The manner of playing the drums, in which the drummer hits the big drum with high speed, sometimes called the bass drum. Either two separate bass barrels for each leg are used, or a special pedal, with which the drummer plays on one bass drum with both feet.

Bay Area Thrash
One type of thrash metal that became popular in the early and mid 80s in San Francisco, California, in the so-called Bay Area. Among the groups you can list Metallica, Testament, Megadeth and Exodus. Continue reading

IDM - Intelligent Dance Music
IDM - Intelligent Dance Music Experimental direction in electronic music. Its founder is considered the…


"Affectionate May" - receiving a group promotion
I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s…


Musical graphics as a manifestation of synesthesia
Synesthesia (simultaneous sensation, joint feeling) - in psychology - the phenomenon of perception, when during…
