Musical fantasies
While listening to a piece of music, focus and try to “see” what is depicted…

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A symphony is usually a composition for an orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This…


What is Celtic music
Surely you have repeatedly read, heard, and maybe even used this phrase yourself in various…

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How important is music?
Music - what is it? Where did it come from, and in general, why does…

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About vocals

The vocalist (from the Latin words vox – “voice” and vocalis – “sounding”) is a musical profession, a role in a musical group, involves the performance of various vocal parts.

Now, the term vocalist almost coincides with the term singer, but in modern pop music it is interpreted somewhat more broadly, in particular implying the possibility of reciting, recitative, etc. Continue reading

What is overture
Overture prepares the listener for the upcoming action.The tradition to announce the beginning of a…


Guitar Mastery
It is known that every novice guitarist at the beginning of his training is at…


Which track is better
In her famous quotation, the great Coco Chanel wanted to say that there are hobbies…
