interaction of breath
What is Celtic music
Surely you have repeatedly read, heard, and maybe even used this phrase yourself in various combinations – “Celtic music”, “Celtic music” and even “traditional Celtic music”, “folk Celtic music”, “cheerful Celtic dances”, “Ancient celtic chants”, etc. etc. The phrase itself is very, very popular, but what kind of music actually hides behind it, no one can really explain. “Celtic music” can be either fully electronic ambient with the names of tracks like “Sacred Stonehenge and eighteen druids in a circle”, and Hispanic with electronic bagpipes, and aggressive punk rock, and violins, harmonica and harmonica of cheerful drunk Irish muzhik. Continue reading
What is overture
Overture prepares the listener for the upcoming action.The tradition to announce the beginning of a performance with a brief musical signal existed long before the term “overture” entrenched itself in the work of French and then other 17th century European composers. Until the middle of the XVIII century. the overtures were composed according to strictly defined rules: their sublime, generalized nature of the music usually had no connection with the subsequent action. Gradually, however, the requirements for the overture changed: she was more and more subordinated to the general artistic plan of the work. Continue reading
A symphony is usually a composition for an orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This is one of the main genres of European music. In the modern sense, the word “symphony” came into use relatively recently, in the 70s. XVIII century., It is the very same very ancient origin.
“Symphony” in Greek means “consonance”. In ancient times, the so-called singing of the choir or ensemble in unison, as well as any harmonious, harmonious combination of tones. In the Middle Ages, the word disappeared from use, and its new life began in the Renaissance. But now a different meaning was put into the word “symphony”. Continue reading