Musicians: Copyright Protection
In a market economy, issues related to the civil turnover of intellectual property, the legal…

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Musician: record disc
Suppose you already have your own band with a permanent musical composition and you have…


Sales magic piano
Pianos and pianos are quite expensive musical instruments, but they can be safely attributed to…

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IDM - Intelligent Dance Music
IDM - Intelligent Dance Music Experimental direction in electronic music. Its founder is considered the…

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rhythms are again set on breaks

Concerts on their own

You probably think that now I will train you on how to prepare demo material, ring up all clubs, travel to all concert offices, stick up posters and business cards, discuss the technical representative with the site secretary by phone before reddening the ears. the ability to gather all the concert participants at the same time in one place and at the same time, and to solve questions for themselves and for that guy … You know, most likely, yes.

In any musical group there is always only one person who needs the most. And 98% that this man and gathered this team. Rarely, when someone else from your group will vomit your ass for your group. Continue reading

IDM – Intelligent Dance Music

IDM – Intelligent Dance Music Experimental direction in electronic music. Its founder is considered the English musician Richard D. James, known as Aphex Twin. He easily turned away from industrial synthesizers, and with the help of his own electronic devices he managed to get a new sound in electronic music. Its sound from ragged drums, modulated noises, high-frequency whistles and congested sounds inspired a large number of followers of musicians. Continue reading

Ensemble (from fr. Ensemble - together, many) - means the joint performance of a piece…


Domain name for group site
In previous articles on creating a music band website, we proved that the group without…


"Affectionate May" - receiving a group promotion
I am sure that many of us remember the stellar ascent in the late 80s…
