Ensemble (from fr. Ensemble - together, many) - means the joint performance of a piece…

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Virtual orchestra
For singles who have the desire and time to create music, but there is no…


Musicians: sending tracks to the label
First of all, it is a high-quality, unique, competitive material. Qualitative I will not go…

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Business Musician. How and where does the money come from
Many novice authors believe that it is not necessary to develop business skills and explore…

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theatrical rock group Roman

About vocals

The vocalist (from the Latin words vox – “voice” and vocalis – “sounding”) is a musical profession, a role in a musical group, involves the performance of various vocal parts.

Now, the term vocalist almost coincides with the term singer, but in modern pop music it is interpreted somewhat more broadly, in particular implying the possibility of reciting, recitative, etc. Continue reading

Ritchie Blackmore

Richard Hugh Blackmore was born on April 14, 1945 in the English town of Weston-Super-Mare. The first instrument – an ordinary acoustic guitar – was presented to Ritchie at the age of ten by his father, and it was his father who insisted that Ritchie not only learned to strum on six strings, but also take classical guitar lessons. At that time, the Blackmore family was already living in the town of Heston, where, for the first time, in the house of her grandmother, Ritchie heard the powerful music of JS Bach, which had sunk into the soul of the future guitar virtuoso. Continue reading

How to register a music project?
This question is asked not only by novice musicians, but also by experienced figures of…


Istria Deep Purple
In March 1968, a group composed of Richie Blackmore - lead guitar, John Lord -…


Removing the throat clamps
Often there is the same main problem with vocalists - voice tightness, as a result…
