"Music is the soul of poetry, it clarifies and opens it. It makes a poetic…

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Publication of works on the Internet
The Internet is an environment in which it is possible to publish large editions, while…


MP3 in real time stream
The mailing list once received a letter of such content. What is the question that…

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Recording company agreement
Concluding a contract with a record company every year becomes more and more difficult process.…

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reducing them to a primitive level

Music and subconscious

Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But in fact, it does not just sound – it performs its programming function. And these are by no means empty paranoid words. They can be confirmed by impartial facts … All this is rock and roll “I am ball lightning. I pour rain … You are still young, but you will die. I will not take hostages and share a single life … My bell is calling. I am taking you to hell … ”These are words from one of the most popular songs of the AC / DC rock band -“ Hell’z Bells ”(“ Hell’s Bells ”). The heavy rhythm of the music is borrowed from the ritual of African voodoo – thanks to which the words of the song are sealed directly into the subconscious of the listeners. “I am taking you to hell …” Continue reading

Sales magic piano
Pianos and pianos are quite expensive musical instruments, but they can be safely attributed to…


How to start speaking?
The main problem of all performances has always been that on the stage it is…


A symphony is usually a composition for an orchestra, usually consisting of several parts. This…
