Musical fantasies
While listening to a piece of music, focus and try to “see” what is depicted…

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In music, a quartet is an ensemble consisting of four musicians or singers. The most…


Musicians: Copyright Protection
In a market economy, issues related to the civil turnover of intellectual property, the legal…

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What is rondo
The constant main theme — refrain — is like a chorus, side themes — episodes…

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We create music on the computer

Oddly enough, today, to write music, it is not necessary even to know musical notation. However, the music school in the background does not interfere at all.

The theme of creating music on a PC is quite voluminous, so let’s talk only about the basics. I will clarify that in the future I will call the beginners those who either have never done writing music, or used a program a couple of times. By amateur, we will understand not only a person who has accumulated some experience, but also someone who, without any particular difficulty, works with any programs and tools. Continue reading

MP3 in real time stream
The mailing list once received a letter of such content. What is the question that…


Timbre, beauty and harmonious voice
Today I would like to touch on the issue of timbre, beauty and melodiousness of…


In the power of music
Music has accompanied man since prehistoric times. The joy of prey, a successful hunt, the…
