Musical graphics as a manifestation of synesthesia
Synesthesia (simultaneous sensation, joint feeling) - in psychology - the phenomenon of perception, when during…

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Questions and answers on musical vocals
How fast can you learn to sing? It all depends on your voice natural data.…


In music, a quartet is an ensemble consisting of four musicians or singers. The most…

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Music and subconscious
Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But…

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developed sonata form

How important is music?

Music – what is it? Where did it come from, and in general, why does it exist? It would seem that the questions are worthy of a child, and the answers to which are rather banal and known to everyone, but, nevertheless, who can give an exact answer? Let’s try to figure it out, so …

20-30 thousand years ago, the first more or less reasonable people appeared who had already begun to think about what else they could do on this planet, except to go hunting and war, thinking what else to fill the belly with, and play in the game “With the females of the tribe.” Many probably know the “Pyramid of Needs” (from lectures on Economics, for example), judging by this pyramid, a person, after satisfying his natural needs, begins to think about other minor, but still important for him personally, needs, desires, dreams . Continue reading

Music and subconscious

Never in the history of mankind has there been so much music as now. But in fact, it does not just sound – it performs its programming function. And these are by no means empty paranoid words. They can be confirmed by impartial facts … All this is rock and roll “I am ball lightning. I pour rain … You are still young, but you will die. I will not take hostages and share a single life … My bell is calling. I am taking you to hell … ”These are words from one of the most popular songs of the AC / DC rock band -“ Hell’z Bells ”(“ Hell’s Bells ”). The heavy rhythm of the music is borrowed from the ritual of African voodoo – thanks to which the words of the song are sealed directly into the subconscious of the listeners. “I am taking you to hell …” Continue reading

In the power of music

Music has accompanied man since prehistoric times. The joy of prey, a successful hunt, the challenge of rain accompanied ritual sounds (a skull filled with dry berries or a gong prototype could be used as a musical instrument), such was primitive music.

Thousands of years passed, musical instruments underwent significant changes, folk music (folklore) developed, words were added to it, many works survived to our days, passed down from generation to generation. Music is eternal, and the development of mankind without it is unthinkable. Continue reading

Ritchie Blackmore
Richard Hugh Blackmore was born on April 14, 1945 in the English town of Weston-Super-Mare.…


Guitar Mastery
It is known that every novice guitarist at the beginning of his training is at…


Heavy Metal Style Dictionary
Double bass The manner of playing the drums, in which the drummer hits the big…
